What is START? It is a model of short-term psycho-dynamic psychotherapy that was developed at the McGill Mental Health Service in the years 1995 to 2006 for the treatment of emotional distress in students. It us specifically oriented towards an adolescent or young adult population, though it is effective in any age group. It was […]
McGill Mental Health Service Intent on Labelling and Medicating Students
A student waits two month for an appointment at the McGill Mental Health Service. When eventually seen, he is given a diagnosis of “bipolar 2” after just six minutes and then handed a prescription for an antipsychotic. When seen outside of McGill fro a proper assessment, it is clear that both the diagnosis and […]
The Law of Averages
In most professions in life, average implies not too bad. One isn’t getting the best, but hopefully one isn’t getting badly treated. The average car mechanic will be perfectly good at doing an oil change or general repairs. The average family doctor will be able to handle most common ailments, like high blood pressure, sore […]
Why Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a Fraud
A recent study (Johnsen, Tom J.; Friborg, Oddgei 2015) titled The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Anti-Depressive Treatment is Falling: A Meta-Analysis indicating that over the years studies on CBT for depression are showing progressively poorer results should come as no surprise to anyone who actively works with real people. The findings should […]